Thursday, February 27, 2020

Summary ( Proof reading) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary ( Proof reading) - Essay Example It also found emerging evidence of benefits for asthma and bone health. Report’s co-author and Omega-3 Centre Executive Director Wendy Morgan said lack of omega-3s could also be setting up children for major chronic illnesses, particularly heart disease, in adulthood. "What they are eating now is going to influence their risk of a heart attack in later life," she said. "There is a huge amount of evidence looking at the many roles of long chain omega-3s in helping reduce the risk of heart disease." The report found children aged 14 and over needed 500mg a day of long-chain omega-3s for optimal health. But most children consumed only 34mg to 118mg per day. Ms Morgan, a dietician, said most children were lucky to eat one meal of fish per week, but they needed two or three meals of oily fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines and herrings, each week to meet the daily 500mg target. Deakin University’s Human Nutrition Expert Professor Andrew Sinclair said the problem was that many children did not like fish. "The intake of omega-3s in Australian children is very low because most kids these days are such fussy eaters," he said. "They often just dont like fish and certainly steer away from other seafood which are naturally rich in these healthy long-chain omega-3 nutrients. â€Å"Parents need to be aware of this current enormous shortfall and find more creative ways to help their children consume more essential omega-3 nutrients." Ms Morgan said many foods were now enriched with omega-3s. These included milk, bread, yogurt, snack bars and even frozen chips. She said that while the amount of omega-3s in these enriched foods was usually small, every little bit helped. Long-chain omega-3s are an essential nutrient taken up by every cell in the body. But they are not produced by the body and must be taken in through diet. Oily fish are the best sources, but other

Monday, February 10, 2020

Intervention Research and System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intervention and System - Research Paper Example On the other hand, system research considers connections among components and plans for the implications of their interactions to communities and environments. It calls for active involvement of those who have taken part in order to govern the course of change. A good example In this case is when the networks of organizations and scientists from around the world pull together and try to reason the complexity of weather patterns and come up with more accurate and timely weather forecasts. However, the integration of systems theory for public health programs has played some major roles. It brings about critical considerations to historical processes, practical challenges as well as ethical considerations that may arise. It also reflects critically the evidence and evidence based policies and practice (Melnyk & Morrison-Beedy, 2012).   It uses methods that lead to a more constructive examination of complex adaptive systems and this helps to solve problems that are complex and dynamic. Because of its effectiveness, it has been applied in various research disciplines where many research methods had failed, particularly in the approach that was used to control tobacco and also in weather forecasting by the forecasting model group which has so far proven