Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Injustice We ve Had Enough - 1837 Words

Social Injustice: We’ve had Enough Throughout history there has been a slew of events that have led up to the anger and uprising of people in the United States. One occasion that inspired one of those events took place in Watts, Los Angeles in 1965 when two young black males by the names of Marquette and Donald Frye were targeted by police after a night of celebrating Donald’s discharge from the Air Force (Murch 37). Those around the community came to their defense because they felt the siblings were profiled because of the area in which they lived. What would follow were the â€Å"Watts Riots† which quickly spiraled out of control and the outcome would be disastrous. Another event occurred on March 3rd, 1991 in the city of Los Angeles, and would famously become known as the â€Å"Rodney King Beating.† It should be fairly easy to prosecute someone who is blatantly caught on camera committing a vicious crime right? Unfortunately that would not turn out to b e the case in the King melee. As a result, people became enraged and they made sure their frustration was noticed. The actions of the people protesting was dubbed as the â€Å"LA RIOTS.† Individuals around the Los Angeles area went out on the streets and displayed their displeasure of the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King to a pulp. Shortly after a controversial song titled â€Å"April 29, 1992† was released by the band Sublime. The song was in response to all the police abuse and injustice that people have endured throughShow MoreRelatedThe Society Of Fahrenheit 451838 Words   |  4 Pages The society of Fahrenheit 451 constantly presents characters with instances in which they must react to social injustice. The most prominent examples of this come to the reader through the eyes of Guy Montag as he slowly evolves from a blinded Fireman to a man who discovers the truth about his society and dedicates himself to saving books in hopes of creating a new society. 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